
Back in the day, kratom was only consumed by the natives of Southeast Asia as it was an active part of their cultural ceremonies. But in recent years, the usage of kratom has increased in the West. 

With this enhanced range of use comes the prospects of advancements in kratom products. The most commonly used forms of kratom are kratom powder, capsules, and liquid extracts

Kratom shots are the latest addition to the line of kratom products. Kratom shots are extracted by harvesting the kratom leaves and then boiling them at high temperatures. 

The resulting material is then sieved to produce rich alkaloids. These alkaloids are then evaporated by using processors and converted into a thick, concentrated material, which is further modified into kratom shots. 

All types of kratom strains are used to produce kratom shots. 

For flavor enhancement, kratom shots are often infused with other ingredients and flavors. 

The concentration of kratom active ingredients such as Mitragynine is high in kratom shots. Kratom shots do not have other alkaloids, such as 7-hydroxymitragynine. 

What are Kratom Shots? 

A kratom shot is a concentrated kratom product that comes in liquid form, just like an energy drink. The kratom shots mostly come in a small bottle. These bottles are designed for one-time use only. Our kratom shots are pocket-friendly, and therefore, you can carry them easily. 

Our kratom shots are easy to consume as well. You do not have to mix them with any other product. Because of their high concentration of kratom active ingredients, the desired effects tend to last longer. 

How are Kratom Shots Produced? 

The processing of kratom shot involves the removal of all the alkaloids from the plant matter via an extraction process. This extraction process is composed of various solvents and highly specialized instruments that help in the removal of plant alkaloids. 

Manufacturers tend to use low-potency solvents so that the phytochemical properties of the kratom plant are not affected by the chemical composition of the solvents. A balanced approach is usually recommended to commence the extraction process. 

Commonly available kratom extracts have a potency indicator of 15x’, ‘25x’, or ‘50x. This means that the extract is either 15, 25, or 50 times more potent than the other commonly available kratom products in the market. 

You can start with low doses of kratom extract and build your affinity for this intense kratom product by adding it to your food products, such as beverages or soups. This way, you will be able to build tolerance for even large kratom doses. 


Q: How long does a kratom shot last? 

Ans: The kratom shots might take 15 to 20 minutes to kick in. The aftereffects depend on various other factors, such as the weight of the person, tolerance, and whether you have mixed the product with other kratom products. 

Q: How to consume kratom shot? 

Ans: You can easily consume a kratom shot. They are available in small bottles, which you can easily gulp down, like any other syrup.