
Kratom is a tree that is found in the southeast Asia. This herb is an active part of the cultural festivities of that area. The kratom leaves contain bioactive alkaloids, which are the active ingredients of the plant. Two of the most widely researched components of kratom are mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. 

Kratom strains tend to differ from one another based on tree production and the harvesting process of leaves. Given below are the factors that differentiate these strains from each other: 

  • Color of leaf veins
  • Place of origin 

Moreover, the concentration of the active ingredients is mainly determined by the harvesting process and the time at which the leaves are being harvested during the plant lifecycle. 

What are the Main Kratom Strains?

Three main strains of kratom are commonly found in nature: 

  • White Vein Kratom 
  • Red Vein Kratom
  • Green Vein Kratom 

The sourcing of kratom leaves tends to play a major role in the different varieties of kratom strains. 

White Vein Kratom

This kratom strain is harvested from young kratom leaves. It is a mild kratom strain. The name is because of the white color of the kratom veins. 

Red Vein Kratom

Red vein kratom is harvested from mature kratom leaves and contains a high concentration of 7 hydroxy mitragynine. 

Green Vein Kratom

This kratom strain is produced from the leaves when they are in the middle stage of their life cycle. The leaves are first dried indoors and then air-conditioned to produce the green vein kratom. 

Which are the Popular Kratom Strains Available in the Market?

Some of the most popular kratom strains that are available in the market include:

  • Red Bali 
  • Borneo Kratom 
  • Maeng Da Kratom 
  • Gold Kratom 
  • Trainwreck Kratom 
  • Green Malay 
  • White Borneo 
  • White Thai 

Red Bali

Red Bali strains are the perfect amalgamation of Red Vein Kratom and Bali Kratom. These kratom strains are famous for their versatility among consumers. 

Red Horn

A rare strain that is only harvested from the Kratom plants that are present in Borneo. The name horn is derived from the horn-like spikes on the kratom leaves. 

Borneo Kratom

Borneo Kratom is produced by harvesting the kratom leaves, which are available on the third largest island in the world – Borneo. 

Maeng Da Kratom

Kratom leaves are harvested and then kept indoors in the absence of sunlight to guarantee the maximum presence of active ingredients and ensure the production of a highly potent strain. The Maeng Da strain is a blend of red vein and white-vein kratom. 

Gold Kratom

Gold Kratom is one of the most sought-after kratom strains. This kratom strain is produced by mixing two or three kratom veins, i.e., Green Vein, Red Vein, and/or White Vein. 

Trainwreck Kratom

Trainwreck Kratom is a supercharged kratom strain that is a hit among our consumers. It is known for its highly concentrated alkaloid profile. 

Green Malay

Green Malay is a healthy blend of Green Vein Kratom and Malay Kratom. The leaves which are used to produce Malay Kratom are obtained from Malaysia. 

White Borneo

One of the most popular kratom strains is White Borneo. A rapid choice for mature consumers, Borneo Kratom contains high amounts of mitragynine. 

White Thai

White Thai Kratom strain is a cross between White Vein Kratom and Thai Kratom. Thai Kratom is made up of kratom leaves, which are harvested from Thailand.